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Show Cases

An Automated Phone Call secured a Data Center from Failure during Corona Lock Down [17-April-2020]

During Corona lock down period in Jordan, the HVAC system of a data center for one of our clients malfunctioned all the sudden after midnight.

Temperature started to raise gradually until it reached to the level where it triggered the alert thru an automated phone call with digital voice.

The phone call alerted the off-site engineers to do the corrective action as seen in the pictures.

Phone calls are the best to alert during emergency periods compared to other media: SMS, emails, and WhatsApp.


Hot Summer revealed the reduced Cooling System Efficiency in a Data Center [May 2020]

This temperature pattern appeared during hot summer and revealed the reduced efficiency of AC Split Units in a Data Center room.

The temperature rise was due to the inefficient thermal isolation of the room and possibly the increased IT load.

The temperature, which clearly increased, was measured at the front of the cabinets to show the actual temperature flowing into the servers. This is indeed better than having few probes hanged from the ceiling (as seen sometimes!) measuring average temperature in the room.


Customer Projects Pictures

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